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WebSite Services Build your web site in minutes! Dial-up Support Website Support Counter Issues Virtual Email Issues Domain POP Email Issues Catchall Email Front Page CGI-BIN mySQL, PHP Secure Services Applications Support Report A Problem Internet Reference for Newcomers
My counter was working and now it's returning an authentication error Make sure you're accessing your site with the prefix 'www' or the prefix you selected for your domain. That will clear up the error in most cases. If it does not, please feel free to Report the Problem online.
My counter was working and now I'm getting a broken icon in it's place If you're maintaining your own site, please check your html to make sure you haven't overwritten the proper code for the counter. Also check to make sure it's all in lowercase. If that doesn't solve the issue, please feel free to Report the Problem online. If a third party developer is maintaining your site, please have him/her follow the above. If that doesn't solve the issue, please feel free to Report the Problem online. If FCS Internet is maintaining your site, please feel free to Report the Problem online.